Vishnu ji ki Aarti | आरती श्री विष्णुजी की
Vishnu ji ki Aarti is a well famous Aarti of Lord Vishnu which is sung by Hindu people as a prayer. Here we have presented the beautiful Vishnu ji ki Aarti in Hindi and English Font with Translation as well. You can also listen or watch the Vishnu ji ki Aarti on the Video which we have published below.

ओ३म् जय जगदीश हरे, स्वामी जय जगदीश हरे।
भक्त जनन के संकट, क्षण में दूर करे॥ओ३म्.
जो ध्यावै फल पावै, दुख विनसे मन का।
सुख सम्पति घर आवै, कष्ट मिटै तन का॥ओ३म्.
मात-पिता तुम मेरे, शरण गहूं मैं किसकी।
तुम बिन और न दूजा, आस करू जिसकी॥ओ३म्.
तुम पूरण परमात्मा, तुम अन्तर्यामी।
पारब्रह्म परमेश्वर, तुम सबके स्वामी॥ओ३म्.
तुम करुणा के सागर, तुम पालनकर्ता।
मैं मूर्ख खल कामी, कपा करो भर्ता॥ओ३म्.
तुम हो एक अगोचर, सबके प्राणपति।
किस विधि मिलू दयामय, तुमको मैं कुमति॥ओ३म्.
दीनबन्धु दुःखहर्ता, तुम ठाकुर मेरे।
अपने हाथ उठाओ, द्वार पड़ा तेरे॥ओ३म्.
विषय विकार मिटाओ, पाप हरो देवा।
श्रद्धा भक्ति बढ़ाओ, सन्तन की सेवा॥ओ३म्.
श्री जगदीशजी की आरति, जो कोई नर गावे।
कहत शिवानंद स्वामी, सुख संपति पावे॥ओ३म्.
Vishnu ji ki Aarti in English Font

Om jai jagdeesh hare, swami jai jagdeesh hare.
Bhakt Janan ke Sankat, Shan mei dur kare
Jo Dhawae Phal Pawae, Dhuk vinse Man ka.
Sukh Sampati Ghar aawae, Kasht Mite Tan Ka
Mata Pita tum mere, Sharan Gahu mei kiski.
Tum bin aur na duja, Aas karu jiski
Tum Puran Parmatma, Tum Antaryami.
Paarbramh Parmeshwar, Tum Sabke Swami
Tum Karuna ke Sagar, Tum Palankarta.
Mei Murak Kal Kaami, Kirpa Karo Bharta
Tum ho ek Aghochar, Sabke Paranpati.
kis widhi milu dayamay, Tumko mei Kumati
Deenbandu Dhukharta, Tum Thakur mere.
Apne Hath Uthao, Dwaar Pada tere
Wishy wikar Mitao, Paap Haro Deva.
Sharadha Bhakti Badao, Santan ki Sewa
Shri Jagdishji ki Aarti, Jo Koi Nar Gawe
Kahath Shivanand Swami, Sukh Sampati Paawe
Also Check : Ganesh ji ki Aarti
Vishnu ji ki Aarti Translation in English
Om jai jagdeesh hare, swami jai jagdeesh hare.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe,
Swami, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe,
Bhakt Janan ke Sankat, Shan mei dur kare
The difficulties of Your devotees, You remove in an instant.
Om jai jagdeesh hare, swami jai jagdeesh hare.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.
Jo Dhawae Phal Pawae, Dhuk vinse Man ka.
Whoever meditates on You will get Your grace, Whoever meditates with a mind free of sorrows,
Sukh Sampati Ghar aawae, Kasht Mite Tan Ka
Joy and Prosperity will come to them And distress of body (and mind) will be relieved.
Om jai jagdeesh hare, swami jai jagdeesh hare.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.
Mata Pita tum mere, Sharan Gahu mei kiski.
You are my Father and Mother, And my refuge,
Tum bin aur na duja, Aas karu jiski
Apart from You there is none else, I aspire for.
Om jai jagdeesh hare, swami jai jagdeesh hare.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.
Tum Puran Parmatma, Tum Antaryami.
You are the Puran Paramatma, You are the indweller of everyone,
Paarbramh Parmeshwar, Tum Sabke Swami
You are the Parabrahman and Parama Ishwara (Supreme God), You are the Lord of everyone.
Om jai jagdeesh hare, swami jai jagdeesh hare.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.
Tum Karuna ke Sagar, Tum Palankarta.
You are the ocean of Compassion, You are the nurturer of everyone,
Mei Murak Kal Kaami, Kirpa Karo Bharta
I am ignorant and go after desires, Therefore shower Your grace on me, O Master.
Om jai jagdeesh hare, swami jai jagdeesh hare.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.
Tum ho ek Aghochar, Sabke Paranpati.
You are the one Unseen, And the Lord of all lives,
kis widhi milu dayamay, Tumko mei Kumati
How shall I meet You, O Merciful One, I am an ignorant.
Om jai jagdeesh hare, swami jai jagdeesh hare.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.
Deenbandu Dhukharta, Tum Thakur mere.
You are the friend of the helpless, and the remover of sorrows, You are my Lord / You are my Protector.
Apne Hath Uthao, Dwaar Pada tere
Please raise Your hand And take me under Your protection. I surrender myself at Your feet,
Om jai jagdeesh hare, swami jai jagdeesh hare.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.
Wishy wikar Mitao, Paap Haro Deva.
Remove my worldly desires, And remove my sins
Sharadha Bhakti Badao, Santan ki Sewa
Increase my faith and devotion towards You. And the devotional service of this servant.
Om jai jagdeesh hare, swami jai jagdeesh hare.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.
Shri Jagdishji ki Aarti, Jo Koi Nar Gawe
Whoever do Lord Vishu Aarti,
Kahath Shivanand Swami, Sukh Sampati Paawe
Get happiness and peace